
Kids on Stike-Vocabulary

Page history last edited by cindy alfred 13 years, 10 months ago





It is essential to teach vocabulary words so students have the background knowledge to understand the content they will encounter.  When students develop a deep understanding of vocabulary they will be better prepared for learning the new information.  Dr. Marzano describes a six step process of, Building Academic Vocabulary. 

See Robert Marzano's Six Steps


Tier 1 Vocabulary Words: central to the content in the text


                                                                 factory - building where laborers manufacture goods or supervise machines

                                                                 strike - a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to perform work

                                                                 mills - factory, place of business for making articles of manufacture

                                                                 wages - financial compensation received by workers in exchange for their labor

                                                                 mill girls - girls that work in factories


Tier 2 Vocabulary Words: essential to learning


                                                                 blacklisted - to deny someone work in a particular field

                                                                 boardinghouse - house where you rent rooms for an extended period of time

                                                                 salary - form of payment from an employer

                                                                 protest - strong reaction against something

                                                                 foremen - a worker who supervises and directs other workers

                                                                 resisted - try to prevent by action or argument

                                                                 negotiated - try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others

                                                                 independence - freedom from control or influence of another or others

                                                                 industries - productions of an economic good

                                                                 loom - device used to weave cloth

                                                                 regulations - controlling human or societal behavior by rules or restrictions

                                                                 farmhands - a hired hand on a farm

                                                                 domestic servants - someone who works within the employers household

                                                                 apprentice - system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill

                                                                 bankrupt - person or organization that cannot repay its debts

                                                                 dutiful - obediently fulfilling ones duty

                                                                 exploitation - act of using something in an unjust or cruel manner

                                                                 tuberculosis - contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs


Tier 3:  Vocabulary Words: extended or challenging vocabulary words                              


                                                                 fiendish spite - to show spite toward     



Kids on Strike Vocabulary Words.docx  (printable)




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Definitions obtained from www.wikipedia.com and www.google.com








Comments (1)

Kristina Olson said

at 1:56 pm on Mar 1, 2011

* Good straightforward vocab list
* Included link to Marzano
* I like how you included the difference between tier 1,2,3 - helpful.
* Need to include target age for your book.
* I would look at the definition of salary, it looks the same as wage.
* Maybe move farmhand to tier 2 - it seems that it would be common sense, more than extend learning.
* Move blacklisted to 3 - I think this word seems more extended

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