
Kids on Strike-Lesson Plans

Page history last edited by Siri 13 years, 9 months ago

Pre-teach vocabulary words and activities, completing steps 1-3 before doing lesson plans.


Literacy Based Lesson Plan

Kids on Strike

Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan


Objective:      Students will learn about various child labor strikes.

                              Sub-Objective: Students will research one strike from their books, Kids on Strike, and complete a research worksheet.

                              Sub-Objective:  Students will complete a strike sign with research facts listed on it, and teach facts about their strike to their classmates.


Standard Addressed:      Strand:          I. U.S. History

                                      Sub-Strand:    G. Reshaping the Nation and the Emergence of Modern America 1877-1916.

                                      Standard:       1.2.4. The student will analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in                                                             response to The Industrial Revolution.


Resources: Book: Kids on Strike by Susan Campbell Bartoletti, Strike Sign assembled from poster board and wooden stick, Markers, Kids on Strike Research Worksheet



Prior Knowledge:  Students will have participated in vocabulary lessons completing steps 1-3. (Kids on Strike-Vocabulary Activities)

Students will also watch the following video on child labor before reading their chapter in their book.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?V=U2M9i1Wy6IU


Clarify Goals and Establish Set:  Today we are going to start a project from our book, Kids on Strike.  I will be splitting the class into six groups.  Each group will be assigned a chapter to read from the book.  You will also be given a research paper to complete on your chapter addressing certain questions in your book.  When we have all completed our research you will make your own strike sign.  On your strike sign you will put a statement pertaining to your strike that you researched.  On the back of the strike sign you will put main parts of your chapter that you want others to learn about from the strike you researched.  When this is completed we will participate in a jigsaw activity where we will again be placed into groups and go around to the different stations and learn about everyone's chapter.


Establish Groups and Protocols:  The class will be divided into groups six groups.  The teacher will assign the groups being careful to equally distribute students according to gender, learning abilities, and personalities.


Present Information:

1.  Six groups will be established and assigned a chapter in the book, Kids on Strike.  The groups will be:

     #1:  Chapter One:  "A Devil in Petticoats", Young Mill Workers Rebel Lowell, Massachusetts (1836)

     #2:  Chapter Two:  "Stick Together and We'll Win", Messenger, Bootlack, and Newsie Strike Fever New York City (1899)

     #3:  Chapter Three:  "Dear God, Will It Ever Be Different?", Pauline Newman and the New York City Rent Strike (1907)

     #4:  Chapter Four:  "I'll Be A Johnny Mitchell Man", The Anthracite Coal Strikes Pennsylvania (1877, 1900, and 1902)

     #5:  Chapter Five:  "We Ask You, Mr. President", Mother Jones and Her Industrial Arm Philadelphia (1903)

     #6:  Chapter Six:  ""Build Up Your Union", Agnes Nestor and the Garment Workers' Strike Chicago (1897), New York City, and Philadelphia (1909-1910)


2.  Each group will be given

     *poster board

     *wood stick for assembling their strike sign

     *Kids on Strike Research Worksheet Kids on Strike Research Paper.docx

     *Kids on Strike book

     *students will be asked to bring their pencil boxes, markers and colored pencils


3.  Students will be told that each group is responsible for reading the chapter together as a group and answering the questions on their research worksheet.

    a.  The first step will be for the students to read their assigned chapter as a group.


     b.  The next step will be to complete the research worksheet of their strike (chapter) that they are reading about.  The assigned note taker will be responsible for completing the sheet.


     c.  After the research worksheet is completed the students will be told to work on their strike sign.  They will design the front with a saying pertaining to the strike they researched.  The assigned poster designer will be responsible for transferring the facts from the worksheet onto the back of the poster.  All other group members will assist in relaying the facts to the poster designer.     


Small Group Skills:  Students will be divided into six groups consisting of 4-5 students per group.  Students will be assigned roles within the group.  These roles will consist of:  note-taker-responsible for writing group responses on the worksheet;  poster designer-responsible for transferring written material on worksheets to poster; illustrator-students will be responsible for designing their strike posters with facts about their strike that they will share with the class.  Individual needs and learning styles will be taken into consideration when assigning roles to students.


Positive Interdependence:  Students will be responsible for compiling research facts about their strike, transferring it over to their strike sign, and participating in the final jigsaw activity.


Face to Face Interaction:  Stations will be set up around the classroom for the students to rotate around and learn about each chapter/strike in the book.  Students will be placed into new groups, one student from each previous group, and at each station the student that participated in that particular strike will tell the other group members what they learned.


Individual and Group Accountability:  Students will receive a group grade for the worksheet they completed, strike sign (both front and back).  A rubric will be completed for each group. 


Students will be graded on their completion of their Jigsaw Research Worksheet. A rubric will be completed for each student on this worksheet. 

Rubric for Individual Jigsaw worksheet.docx


Group Processing:  Students will have a grid to complete at each station addressing certain questions about each strike.  They will answer questions that will compare and contrast the different strikes.


Kids on Strike-Citizen Action Lesson Plan








Kids on Strike-LessonPlans

Kids On Strike

Kids on Stike-Vocabulary

Kids on Strike-Vocabulary Activities

Comments (7)

ann.thier@st.bemidjistate.edu said

at 8:07 am on Mar 28, 2011

Wow, your lesson plan really looks good. Your standards look good, Siri mentioned something about wanting the numbers with the MN standards.
Your vocabulary is introduced in the beginning, be sure to mention the other activities somewhere among the other lessons. You used a best practice with the jigsaw and mention doing other lessons with it. You have everything a teacher would need listed and used the book in your lesson. Make sure you check your students knowledge on the big topic of child labor in one of your lessons. Your links work well.

Keep up the good work. I can't wait to check back and see what new things you have added.

Kristina Olson said

at 12:33 pm on Mar 29, 2011

These are the questions that Siri wanted us to consider when reviewing. I will have one comment for every question she listed in the weekly overview:
1. Are the lesson objectives clear and directly tied to the children's literature book? YES, it is tied to the book, but I think you should add a sub-objective that will tie to the standard. You could add a question on the research wkst that says, "how did this strike transform the American economy or change social and political conditions?" "How would America be different today if this strike wouldn't have happened". Just ideas.
-What will the students know or be able to do as a result of completing this lesson? The students will understand how a strike works, who is affected and why they happen.
-Are students assessed on their achievement of the stated objectives? Yes, but I think you should add this this and include the standard more.
-Do the activities in the lesson support the accomplishment of the stated objectives? Yes- so far they do.
-Do the objectives align with the MN State Standards that are addressed through this lesson? (If no lesson standards are stated, remind them this is necessary. The standards should be clearly stated and numbered as in the state documents.) - not yet, but I think with a few easy additions they will.

Kristina Olson said

at 12:35 pm on Mar 29, 2011

2. Does the lesson material appear to be age appropriate and accurate? - I looked but couldn't find what age this book/lesson is for?
For instance, does it fit with what you know about the topic being studied?
It is not OK to be creative in terms of lesson content. The content needs to be about what really exists or what has really happened--at least from one verifiable point of view, and ideally from multiple perspectives.
Does the content appear substantive? Yes

Kristina Olson said

at 12:37 pm on Mar 29, 2011

3. Does the material use best practices for social studies content pedagogy? YES! Awesome job! You have lots of different methods for differentiation e.g., group work, illustration, roles for each student etc
Citizen Action
Primary Source Analysis
Cooperative Learning - This is a cooperative jigsaw lesson.
Essential Questions

Kristina Olson said

at 12:39 pm on Mar 29, 2011

4. Are the materials easy to understand, nicely designed, well-written? Yes, very good!
By all means, make marks anywhere you see a clear grammatical or spelling issue - or just correct them and make your corrections in another color so they can see and check what you've done.
Are links provided back to the book's title page from every other page in their materials? I can't get your youtube video to work. All other links are great. I would embed the youtube video. It is really cool how you can do this. I will help you. Just call me!

Kristina Olson said

at 12:45 pm on Mar 29, 2011

5. Does the lesson plan afford the students ways to improve both their literacy skills and their content knowledge in social studies? yes, she uses reading, writing, and social studies content.
Do you recognize literacy strategies that we read about or discussed in the activities they've included? Yes, you did a great job of using the Johnson & Johnson model of cooperative learning
Can you point out a pre-reading, during-reading, and/or post-reading activity in their lessons? vocabulary work is pre-reading; worksheet is during reading; and poster is post reading - Good Work!
Will learners want to read and learn more about this topic as a result of what they've done here? Yes, the poster will be a great project that will the kids will be proud of and I also like that this book is about KIDS.

Kristina Olson said

at 12:45 pm on Mar 29, 2011

Overall- Great job Cindy! This is a fun lesson that the students will enjoy! You are a natural!

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